Prep once, feast all week

OK, so I’m jumping on the bandwagon here and trying out the whole prep once, eat all week thing. You know what I’m talking about. The new trend has taken Pinterest by storm — for months, now. Every day, I’m inundated with images of cost-cutting best friends preparing a month’s worth of freezer CrockPot meals, or hyper frugal individuals stuffing their entire collection of Tupperware with chopped veggies, hard boiled eggs, and grilled chicken. Every. Single. Day. Obviously, I had to try it.

I rented a Zipcar, drove down to Berkeley Bowl — which is seriously like the Disneyland of grocery stores — and bought two week’s worth of food. Heck yes! Just me and my veggies coupe cruising ’round Oakland. Then, I got to work washing, chopping, slicing, mixing, sauteing, and baking all the veggies into delicious oblivion. Once prepped, everything went into its little tupperware home (or, in the case of poor sweet potatoes, stayed in its foil cage). My favorite trick? Chop an entire bunch of garlic and soak it with olive oil. Keep that baby in the fridge, and you will toss garlic into everything based on convenience alone.

chopped garlic in olive oil

Garlic chopped and ready to go.

So far, it’s turned out to be pretty amazing. I’m eating better (i.e. less snacking on horrible things), and on a normal schedule. That’s right – dinner’s at 6 PM folks, not 9. Something about having everything ready to go — either reheated, in the case of peanut eggplant curry, or drizzled with oil and a sprinkle of salt, in the case of ready-to-roast veggies — makes life so much easier. Now, I actually have free time to write and do other things, like live life. We’ll see how long this lasts, but a girl could seriously get used to pulling mason jar salads out of the fridge every day. Every. Single. Day.

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